About Us
The McCracken County Republican Party is the party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, with a proud tradition of support for freedom, opportunity, and integrity.
By fighting to reform Kentucky, we will regain the trust of the people of this state.
We will return to our roots through dramatic reforms that can unleash the great potential of the individuals of this state – not the size and reach of government.
What We Stand For
- Public office as a public trust
- Less government intrusion in our lives
- Fiscal responsibility
- Freedom and opportunity
- No more “government as usual”
- Lower taxes
- Ending government waste
- Less litigation
- Personal responsibility
- Smaller government
- Strong national defense
Jason Crockett
Cell Phone: 270-994-9966
Email: chair@mccrackengop.com
Vice Chair:
Ulla Schierhorn
Bill Dunn
Email: secretary@mccrackengop.com
Jeff Walker